miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

This Too Shall Pass by: Helen Steiner Rice

This Too Shall Pass
By: Helen Steiner Rice
 This poem is about the author reflecting on what the faith is and what means to her.  She is telling us that it doesn't matter the situation she had, she is not going to be defeated by them. Also she let us know the faith in God she had, and thanks to that can go ahead fearlessly.

  • Theme:  Faith;  theme is faith; it is because of the faith in God she had that can go ahead in life.

  • Tone: Reflective, Succeed.
  • Poetic Devices:
  1.            Sound Devices
a.       Rhythm 
b.      Rhyme -  believing – morning, remains – chains, happening – dawning, fear – near.
c.       Alliteration – me – me, true – too, darkness – dawning.
d.      Consonance – fear – near, remains – chains.
  • Opinion: 
It doesn't matter how difficult is the situation you’re passing through, you have to be brave and have faith that everything is going to be fine.
  • Graphic elements:

  1. Punctuation – the use of commas
  2. Capital letters – Capitalizing the first word in a line.

  • Type of poetry:
   Lyric poem – express the feeling of a single speaker.

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