miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Letter to Mr. Sue's father, about the poem A boy named Sue by: Shel Silverstein

Dear Mr. Sue’s father,

I hope that you are well. My name is Taire T. Rios Cardona, and I am currently a student in the UPR Cayey. I am on my second year, and I am studying Natural Science so I can become a Nutritionist.  I’m sending you this letter because I’m very confused to the idea behind your decision; to me it looks very absurd and unnecessary. Even though you thought that you were doing a good by naming your son that way, supposedly making him stronger for this world, just because he has to defend himself.  But instead of doing that you created a traumatized person. I don’t think that your son acted like that because of his name, I believed it was because you abandon him.

 On the other hand, we can say that his way of expressing his weaknesses and fears was with violent actions to people that offended or embarrass him in the past.  I don’t know the reasons for leaving you family, but for me it looks like an act of cowardice. It’s amusing how you talk about making your son tough and strong, but you were the worst example, you demonstrated you’re not even a tough person. A real dad tries to guide his son towards life, helping him to make the good decisions.  No one deserved to be hurt, much less rejoice for it, but I believe in Karma and life charges you for your mistake, life was teaching you the lesson for leaving him.

 I hope life has taught you a lesson.  You should take this as an experience and reflect each of your actions. A relationship between father and son is a beautiful thing, like everything it will always have its good and bad, but if there’s love and respect it can get ahead. However, you should be proud of your son; since he finally thanks you for naming him Sue, he would no longer be ashamed of his name.



Taire T. Rios Cardona

Student in UPR Cayey


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