miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Letter to Maya Angelou about her poem, Still I Rise.

Dear Maya Angelou:
            Greetings, I hope that you are fine.  My name is Taire T. Ríos Cardona, and I am currently a student in the UPR of Cayey.  Currently I am on my second year, and I am studying Natural Science so I can become a Medical Nutritionist.  However, I am sending you this letter, because I want to express my opinion about your poem “Still I Rise!” At first, I did not quite understand what your poem meant, therefore, I had to read it many times to understand the message you were trying to give us.
“Still I Rise!” is poem clearly addressed to others, it is not simply a private meditation.  Therefore, it is addressed to the white oppressors of black persons.  What I loved the most is that you presented to us a black woman willing to speak up for herself, for other living black people, and even for her black ancestors.  Also, I liked the tone that you used in this poem because you used a little bit of sarcasm, but it never sounds arrogant or cocky.  I felt immense sympathy when the woman began to reject any further oppression.  Finally, I enjoyed this poem because it turns writing into an instrument of liberation.  Meaning, that no one can control what you wrote or how you felt, and even if they turned you down you would still rise. 
Thank you for your time and attention, I hope that you enjoy my letter about your spectacular poem.  I think that people should read your poems because every single one of them is really inspiring.  Maya Angelou you have influence the whole world with your letters and wise mind.  In conclusion, what I liked most about your works is that you are not afraid to speak the truth, and that you tell it how it is.  I hope that you have a lovely day! 
Taire T. Ríos Cardona

Student in UPR Cayey

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